Colleagues participate in Tata Sustainability Group activity for underprivileged children

April 10, 2023

As part of the Tata Volunteering Week, Tata Sustainability Group organised a ‘Sports Day with Underprivileged Children’, in partnership with ConnectFor at Astro Park, Cooperage, in Mumbai. The event received enthusiastic participation from a total of 28 volunteers from Tata International and clocked in three hours each for this activity.

The event brought to life the theme of this year’s Tata Volunteering Week’s edition: ‘#We4V’ – the power of standing together as one and volunteering to catalyse positive change. The initiative uplifted the spirits of both the volunteers and the children and reinforced values of teamwork, respect, courage and leadership.

Teams competed in games including lemon and marble race, two-legged race, blindfold obstacle race, relay, penalty shootouts, etc. The event concluded with an award ceremony where the winning team and the runners up were felicitated with medals.

The initiative comprised 55 children and a total of 67 volunteers who participated from across 11 participating companies and clocked in 201 volunteering hours.

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